My Coach
Ola Lindgren - Coach
Ola is mainly my swing coach but holds great knowledge in all areas of the game. including putting, short game, and mental game. We began working together in June 2017 at a time when my game was at a low and in great need of help. By going back to the basics and setting a solid long-term plan we´ve been able to turn things around and have already seen some solid improvements in quite a short period of time. I appreciate Ola´s energy, sharp intellect, and ability to challenge me to always get better. I´m excited to continue our work going forward and to see where it can take us! - Axel
"Axel has a great passion for the game of golf and has a long-term perspective on his development. For the last couple of years coaching Axel, it has been a pleasure to interact with him and see him develop his technique and his mental skills, always putting in more work than expected of him. Axel is a really nice person with a big heart and a sharp intellect, a great representative for golf. I think Axel has all the tools needed to succeed as a professional golfer!" - Ola Lindgren
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